I've been using CBD in different forms for over 12 months. It curbs my anxiety, helps me focus, assists my sleep, improves my skin, muscle aches, period pains and I believe it improves my over all health. I could go on... So I will!
CBD is most commonly used to treat anxiety and insomnia, but the strongest scientific evidence is for its effectiveness in treating some of the cruelest childhood epilepsy syndromes. (Harvard Health Publishing 2020)
But its a confusing market! I was introduced to CBD by a friend so I was turned on to it pretty easily. But when my first bottle of drops ran out and I searched online for a replacement I was super confused. So many brands, so many forms, so many dosages! Its like shopping for foundation without an experienced brand rep to assist you… almost impossible!
So, whats important? Ingredients, dosage and transparency. You need to know what's in it and where it comes from. But first things first, lets get you the answers to the most common questions about CBD.
What is CBD?
CBD, otherwise known as Cannabidiol, is a natural chemical compound that comes from the Hemp plant. CBD is one of over 85 compounds found in Hemp, known as cannabinoids.
Can CBD get me high?
No, the CBD I use is derived from EU regulated Hemp and contains below 0.2% THC (the main psychoactive compound in Marijuana that gives you the "high" sensation.)
Is CBD legal?
Yes. In the UK CBD is not illegal as longs it contains only trace amounts of THC. Which is why the products I use will never contain more than 0.2% THC. They sell CBD in Selfridges, thats how legal it is!
Is CBD safe?
Yes, CBD is safe and non-toxic for humans even in high amounts and after continuous use. CBD is harmless and can be used by anyone (even kids and dogs) because its non-psychotropic, unlike THC, and has minimal side effects. Noted infrequent side effects can include diarrhoea and some fatigue. Personally, I can experience both of these daily, with or without using CBD.
Is there a recommended dose?
The company that I trust and use, currently have 3 products and each comes with its own recommended dosage. All of them are safe enough for you to use your own trial and error, to find the dosage that works for you.
How do you take CBD?
Hemp derived CBD comes in many forms and can be taken orally in drops you put under your tongue, vegan capsules (my favourite) or applied topically in the form of a balm.
Who can I trust?
Some CBD manufactures have come under scrutiny for wild, indefensible claims such as "CBD is a cure for all cancers" which it is not. More research is required. But CBD is proven to help anxiety, insomnia and chronic pain. I use Planthaya because they use only sunshine grown Hemp (meaning no greenhouses or lights) and always from the same farm. They have full control over their product from seed to bottle. All of their products are 3rd party lab tested and come with a Certificate of Analysis. This ensures that the CBD content on the label is exactly the content you're getting in the bottle.
Planthaya currently have only 3 products, making it super easy to cut out the noise and the nonsense.
Balance Drops (1000mg per bottle)
I take this if I need a quick hit. Hold a few drops under your tongue and the tissues defuse the CBD straight into your blood.
Boost capsules - 5mg in each vegan capsule (500mg per bottle)
My personal favourite. I take one every day and two if I'm super anxious. They work a treat for me personally and I recommend them to everyone.
Soothe - lavender and beeswax balm (500mg per jar)
I use this as lip balm, but also on any dry skin in winter and on my shoulders for deep tissue pain.
If you're looking to try it message Stacey or drop me a DM.
Have a peaceful and sleep filled weekend.